
2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011+
– 2020 –
42. Renaut S, Daoud R, Masse J, Lachance G, Vialle A, Hijri M. Inoculation with Rhizophagus irregularis does not impact arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community structure in corn, wheat and soybean crops. Microorganisms 8 (1), 83 [PDF]
– 2019 –
41. Renaut S, Masse J, Norrie JP, Blal B, Hijri M. A commercial seaweed extract structured microbial communities associated with tomato and pepper roots and significantly increased crop yield. Microbial biotechnology 12 (6), 1346-1358
40. Capt C, Renaut S, Stewart DT, Johnson NA, Breton S. Putative mitochondrial sex determination in the Bivalvia: insights from a hybrid transcriptome assembly in freshwater mussels. Frontiers in genetics 10, 840
39. Larroque J,  Legault S, Rob J, Lisa L, Michel C, Renaut S, James PMA. Temporal variation in spatial genetic structure during population outbreaks: distinguishing among different potential drivers of spatial synchrony. Evolutionary applications 12 (10), 1931-1945
– 2018 –
38. Renaut S, Guerra D, Hoeh WR, Stewart DT, Bogan AE, Ghiselli F, Milani L, Passamonti M, Breton S. Genome survey of the freshwater mussel Venustaconcha ellipsiformis (Bivalvia: Unionida) using a hybrid de novo assembly approach Genome Biology and Evolution 10: 1637–1646 [PDF]
37. Sébastien Renaut, Amber E. Budden, Dominique Gravel, Timothée Poisot, Pedro Peres-Neto. Management, Archiving, and Sharing for Biologists and the Role of Research Institutions in the Technology-Oriented Age. Bioscience 68: 400–411 [PDF]
36. Capt C, Renaut S, Ghiselli F, Milani L, Johnson N, Sietman B, Stewart D, Breton S. Deciphering the link between doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA and sex determination in bivalves: clues from comparative transcriptomics. Genome Biology and Evolution 10: 577–590. [PDF]
– 2017 –
35. Jonathan P. Tennant, Jonathan M. Dugan, Daniel Graziotin, Damien C. Jacques, François Waldner, Daniel Mietchen, Yehia Elkhatib, Lauren B. Collister , Christina K. Pikas , Tom Crick, Paola Masuzzo, Anthony Caravaggi, Devin R. Berg, Kyle E. Niemeyer, Tony Ross-Hellauer, Sara Mannheimer, Lillian Rigling, Daniel S. Katz, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Josmel Pacheco-Mendoza, Nazeefa Fatima, Marta Poblet, Marios Isaakidis, Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Sébastien Renaut, Christopher R. Madan, Lisa Matthias, Jesper Nørgaard Kjær, Daniel Paul O’Donnell, Cameron Neylon, Sarah Kearns, Manojkumar Selvaraju, Julien Colomb A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review [version 3; referees: 2 approved] F1000Research 6:1151 [PDF].
34. Renaut S. Genome sequencing: Illuminating the sunflower genome. News & Views for Nature Plants 3:17099  [PDF].
33. Jacynthe Masse, Cindy Prescott, Sébastien Renaut, Yves Terrat, and Susan Grayston. 2017. Plant community and nitrogen deposition as drivers of α- and β-prokaryotic diversity in reconstructed soils and natural boreal forest soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 83:e03319-16 [PDF].
– 2016 –
32. Anna Bailie, Sébastien Renaut, Eliane Ubalijoro, José A. Guerrero-Analco, Ammar Saleem, Pierre Haddad, John T. Arnason, Timothy Johns and Alain Cuerrier. 2016. Phytogeographic and genetic variation in Sorbus, a traditional antidiabetic medicine – adaptation in action in both a plant and a discipline. PeerJ.e2645 [PDF]
31. De Vriendt L, Lemay MA, Jean M, Renaut S, Pellerin S, Joly S, Belzile F, Poulin M. 2016. Population isolation shapes plant genetics, phenotype and germination in naturally patchy ecosystemsJournal of Plant Ecology: rtw071 [PDF]
30. Renaut S, Dion-Côté AM. History repeats itself: genomic divergence in copepods. Perspective for Molecular Ecology 25:1417-1419 [PDF].
– 2015 –
29. Chebib, J, Renaut S, Bernatchez L. Rogers SM. 2015. Genetic structure and within-generation genome scan analysis of fisheries-induced evolution in a lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) population. Conservation Genetics 1-11. [PDF]
28. Andrew RL, Albert AYK, Renaut S, Rennison DJ, Bock DG, Vines TH. 2015. Assessing the reproducibility of discriminant function analyses. PeerJ 3:e1137. [PDF]
27. Renaut S, Rieseberg LH. 2015. The accumulation of deleterious mutations as a consequence of domestication and improvement in sunflowers and other Compositae crops. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 2273-2283. [PDF,supmat1,supmat2 datadryad,github] [see coverage at here and here]
– 2014 –
26. Barb JG, Bowers JE, Renaut S, Rey JI, Knapp SJ, Rieseberg LH, Burke JM. 2014. Chromosomal evolution and patterns of introgression in Helianthus. Genetics 197: 969-979. [PDF]
25. Dion-Côté, AM, Renaut S, Normandeau E, Bernatchez L. 2014. RNA-seq reveals transcriptomic shock involving transposable elements reactivation in hybrids of young lake whitefish species. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31: 1188-1199 [PDF] [supp]
24. Renaut S, Rieseberg LH, Rowe HC, Ungerer MC. 2014. Genomics of Homoploid Hybrid Speciation: Diversity and Transcriptional Activity of LTR Retrotransposons in Hybrid Sunflowers. Invited paper for Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 31: 1188-1199 [PDF] [github]
23Faria R, Renaut S, Galindo J, Pinho C, Melo-Ferreira J, Melo M, Jones F, Salzburger W, Schluter D, Butlin R. 2014. Advances in Ecological Speciation: an integrative approach. Meeting review for Molecular Ecology 23: 513-521. [PDF]
22. Renaut S, Owens GL, Rieseberg LH. 2014. Shared selective pressure and local genomic landscape lead to repeatable patterns of genomic divergence in sunflowers. Molecular Ecology 23: 311–324. [PDF] [supp] [dryad] [github]
– 2013 –
21. Timothy H Vines, Arianne YK Albert, Rose L Andrew, Florence Débarre, Dan G Bock, Michelle T Franklin, Kimberly J Gilbert, Jean-Sébastien Moore, Sébastien Renaut, Diana J Rennison. The Availability of Research Data Declines Rapidly with Article Age. Current Biology 24: 94-97 [PDF] [supp] [dryad] [see coverage at NatureScience, Nature Medicine, HuffPost, Gizmodo, The Telegraph, Der Spiegel, Vanity Fair, Le Filaltmetric]
20. Hebert FO, Renaut S, Bernatchez L. 2013. Targeted sequence capture and resequencing implies a predominant role of regulatory regions in the divergence of a sympatric lake whitefish species pair (Coregonus clupeaformis). Molecular Ecology 22: 4896-4914. [PDF] [supp] [dryad]
19. Genome Resources Development Consortium, King MG, Renaut S, Rieseberg LH, Rowe HC. 2013. Genomic Resources Notes accepted 1 February 2013 – 31 March 2013. Molecular Ecology Resources 13: 759 [PDF] [supp] [dryad]
18. Renaut S. et al. 2013. The number and size of genomic islands of divergence do not vary with geography of speciation. Nature Communications 4: 1827 [PDF] [supp]
17. Renaut S. 2013. A new approach to quantify the adaptive potential of gene expression variation in gymnosperms. Perspective for Molecular Ecology 22: 2361-2363 [PDF]
16. Vines TH, Andrew R, Bock D, Franklin M, Gilbert K, Kane NC, Kleynhans E, Moore JS, Moyers B, Renaut S, Rennison D, Veen T, Yeaman S. 2013. Mandated data archiving greatly improves access to research data. FASEB Journal 27: 1304-1308. [PDF] [dryad] [coverage at Scientific American]
– 2012 –
15. Renaut S. Grassa CJ, Moyers BT, Kane NC, Rieseberg LH. 2012 The population genomics of sunflowers and genomic determinants of protein evolution revealed by RNAseqBiology 1: 575-596. [PDF] [dryad]
14. Gilbert KJ, Andrew RL, Bock DG, Franklin MT, Kane NC, Moore JS, Moyers BT, Renaut S, Rennison DJ, Veen T, Vines TH. 2012. Recommendations for utilizing and reporting population genetic analyses: the reproducibility of genetic clustering using the program structure. Molecular Ecology 21: 4925-2930. [PDF] [supp1supp2]
13. Renaut S, Maillet N, Normandeau E, Sauvage C, Derome N, Rogers SM, Bernatchez L. 2012. Genome-wide patterns of divergence during speciation: the lake whitefish case study. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 367: 354–363. [PDF]
– 2011+ –
12. Rowe HC, Renaut S, Guggisberg A. 2011. Meeting Review: RAD in the realm of next-generation sequencing technologies. Molecular Ecology 20: 3499-3502. [PDF]
11. Renaut S. 2011. Contemporary hybrid speciation in sculpins (Cottus spp.). Perspective for Molecular Ecology 20: 1320-1321. [PDF]
10. Renaut S*, Nolte AW*, Rogers SM, Derome N, Bernatchez L. 2011. Gradients of ecological speciation, SNP signature of selection on standing genetic variation, and association with adaptive phenotypes in lake whitefish species pairs (Coregonus spp.). Molecular Ecology 20: 545-559. [PDF] *These authors contributed equally
9. Renaut S and Bernatchez L. 2011. Transcriptome-wide signature of hybrid breakdown associated with intrinsic reproductive isolation in lake whitefish species pairs (Coregonus spp. Salmonidae) Heredity 106: 1003-1011. [PDF]
8. Jeukens J, Renaut S, St-Cyr J, Nolte AW, Bernatchez L. 2010. The transcriptomics of sympatric dwarf and normal lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis spp., Salmonidae) divergence as revealed by next-generation sequencing. Molecular Ecology 19: 5389-5403. [PDF]
7. Bernatchez L, Renaut S, Whiteley AR, et al. 2010. On the origin of species: insights from the ecological genomics of lake whitefish. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365: 1783-1800. [PDF]
6. Renaut S, Nolte AW and Bernatchez L. 2010. Mining transcriptome sequences towards identifying adaptive single nucleotide polymorphisms in lake whitefish species pairs (Coregonus spp. Salmonidae). Molecular Ecology 19: 115-131. [PDF]
5. Renaut S, Nolte AW and Bernatchez L. 2009. Gene expression divergence and hybrid misexpression between lake whitefish species pairs (Coregonus spp. Salmonidae). Molecular Biology and Evolution 26 (4): 925-936. [PDF]
4. Nolte AW, Renaut S and Bernatchez L. 2009. Regulatory divergence in life history stages of whitefish and the emergence of postzygotic isolation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: 59. [PDF]
3. Whiteley AR, Derome N, Rogers SM, St-Cyr J, Jeukens J, Nolte AW, Renaut S, Laroche J, Labbe A, and Bernatchez L. 2008. The phenomics and eQTL mapping of brain transcriptomes regulating adaptive divergence in lake whitefish species pairs (Coregonus sp.). Genetics 180: 147-164. [PDF]
2. Lauzer D, Renaut S, St-Arnaud M & Barabé D. 2007. In vitro asymbiotic germination and protocorm development of Aplectrum hyemale (orchidaceae). Journal of Torrey Botanical Society 134 (3): 344-348. [PDF]
1. Renaut S, Replansky T, Heppleston A & Bell G. 2006. The ecology and genetics of fitness in Chlamydomonas . XIII. Fitness of long-term sexual and asexual populations in benign environments. Evolution 60 (11): 2272-2279 [PDF]
– Non-refereed publications –

• Renaut S. 2007 La grippe aviaire, c’est quoi ca encore? Défiscience. Jan 2007. Opinionated article for a student paper at Laval University.

• Renaut S. 2007 Symbiose mycorhizienne: entre champignons et racines, c’est… donnant donnant! Quatre Temps , Décembre, 44-47. [PDF]

• Renaut S. 2006 Grains de beauté. Quatre Temps , Décembre, 21-24. [PDF]

• Hundreds of contributions to Wikipedia under seb951 (french and english versions).